Deputy Director of Research,
Chief Investigator of Sireebioportal,
PBM Herbarium Curator

Sunisa Sangvirotjanapat, PhD.

– Research on plant biodiversity and conservation
(mainly focused on Zingiberaceae family)
– Management plant data for Sireebioportal
– Supervise staff for to run routine protocols
for the Herbarium operation unit

Living Collection Manager, Horticulturist

MS Thanee Sang-on

– Maintaining and propagating plants
in the gardens and in private collection
(threatened species)
– Management composting from wasted food

Tissue Culture Laboratory Manager

MS Thanaporn Rodthing

– Maintaining an explant in tissue culture
– Research on suitable medium for long-term
preservation to serve plant conservation aspect

PBM Herbarium Manager

MS Kwanchanok Virasiri

– Management of the Herbarium operations unit
– Management of data for Sireebioportal
(PMB Herbarium collection)
– Research on plant taxonomy, anatomy
(mainly focused on Asteraceae family)

Plant Database, General Manager
of Living Collection

MS Cholthicha Senaphan

– Management of data for Sireebioportal
(living collection)
– Updating data of living collection